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Initiation Badge:


Write a Letter: Writing a letter requires you to really think about its recipient, so to start off the Audience foundation badge, write and send a letter to someone. It can be through Canada Post, but you can also write to someone in the school, or hand-deliver your letter.


Component Badges:

Two component badges must be acquired to earn the Audience foundation badge.


Create Context: Develop a place, a setting, a time. Atmosphere. Mood.


Evoke Emotion: A successful text makes us care about its characters and settings. A combination of stylistic devices can help writers evoke emotion in their readers.


Blog: Writing a blog is like writing a letter for every update. Who is reading your blog? Where is it posted? How do you 'tag' your blog to make it accessible to your audience?


Advocacy: Raise awareness about an issue you care about by speaking, writing, or broadcasting your views to people.

The Audience Foundation Badge

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